Our Stories

Our Stories2024-03-07T12:43:47-05:00
Check out these first-hand accounts of how we are creating lasting health change in partnership with communities across Africa. These stories will inspire you!

How one community health worker in Tanzania is helping pregnant women survive

January 11, 2021|Categories: Our Stories|

Paulina Boniface Dotto, 53, devotes her time to promoting the value and importance of antenatal care services (also known as pre- and post-natal care) to pregnant women in the Simiyu [...]

How communities in Tanzania are working together to end female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C)

November 25, 2020|Categories: Our Stories|

Meet Dr. Jane Sempeho (centre). A passionate advocate for the health and rights of girls and women in Tanzania. Dr. Sempeho manages Amref Health Africa’s Integrated ARP-WASH (Alternative Rites [...]

How an 11-year-old girl in northern Kenya fought her way into a classroom

October 9, 2020|Categories: Our Stories|

Kabale was promised to a man when she was barely three-years-old and expected to marry him when she turned 11. This is common for Gabra girls, a pastorialist (also [...]

Sexual violence during COVID-19 – Insights from an Addis Ababa health care professional

June 12, 2020|Categories: Our Stories|

Meet Hiwot Girma, a #NoMoreViolence Champion from Ethiopia: “My name is Hiwot. I’m a 26-year-old clinical pharmacist working at Ghandi Memorial Hospital as a drug information focal person. This [...]

COVID-19 school closures leading to increased risk of FGM/C in rural Tanzania

June 12, 2020|Categories: Our Stories|

Meet Ibrahim Ibrahim ole Kinwaa, a #NoMoreViolence Champion from Tanzania: “I’m Ibrahim, I’m 39 and from Tanzania’s Tanga region. I live in a small rural town with my wife and [...]

I’m not a victim, I’m a voice – Championing women and girls’ rights in Kenya during COVID-19

June 12, 2020|Categories: Our Stories|

Meet Talaso Gababa, a #NoMoreViolence Champion from Kenya: “I live with my brother, sister, and father in a small rural community in northern Kenya called Gabra. With COVID-19, everyone is [...]

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